Wednesday, March 16, 2011


did i intimidate?

please know that was not on purpose.
i have no intention of being loud and annoying.

did i touch a nerve?

i would't EVER apologise for the lack of uncontrolled sarcasm.
its what you do that catalyse my need to say and act.

did you ever heard of billy joe's honesty.

honesty is such a lonely word and its all i ever need from you.

i do not tolerate two-faced snakes,two-tongued lizards and backstabbers.


  1. did u ever have this moment where people would just start saying mean things about you ALL OF A SUDDEN. its like the universe is against me or something.

  2. uh...i went through that at ONE point. It happens when they're not satisfied with whatever you're doing. Yes it hurts. Yes it stings. But you just have to learn how to toughen up after breaking down. It's alright to be affected. Just din't let it last for too long...
    ps: cicaks sound more annoying than lizards.

  3. hahha.the bahasa melayu language tend to annoy wonder the whole community is.
    thank euuuuuuuuuu,alia'a.
    i love you.i thank god that i have you.
    you make me feel better.
